Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Books 187-190

Last month I taught a mini private bookbinding workshop for a friend of mine.  Jane is part of my art book group but she hasn't learned how to make that many book structures.  She has a friend in town visiting for a few days, so we arranged a little book workshop for the two of them.
I taught Jane and her friend how to make a notebook with bookcloth on the outside and handmade paper for the pages.  First I showed them how to laminate decorative paper to a piece of bookcloth using PVA.  Next we created a single signature of handmade paper with the bookcloth/decorative paper piece on the outside.  The sewing was essentially a running stitch from the inside of the signature to the outside, move up one hole and back inside, all the way to the top and repeated back down through all the holes.  Finally, we used the guillotine to trim up the edges and finished the book by rounding the corners.
The demonstration book I made with Jane and her friend used miscellaneous paper from the "seconds" folder at work.  They were odd sheets in an assortment of colors.  Later that week I made three more books using different decorative papers and white cotton pages that were a little bit smaller.  The smaller books will be available at my fall and winter craft shows.

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