Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Update: Wool-Eater Blanket

It has been a while since I have posted about my progress on the Wool-Eater Blanket...  Mostly because I didn't work on it all summer, and I was busy with work and craft shows all fall.  Now that Christmas is over, I can get back to working on some projects for myself.  I have added a couple colors since my last update.  The blanket is now big enough to cover my legs going the short way as well as the long way.  But... still not really big enough to completely wrap up in, and not big enough to share with someone else if I really wanted to.

My plan is to do two or three more colors after this one.  I'm thinking about a dark green, then repeating the magenta, and light pink from earlier in the blanket.  (I bought yarn since writing this post.  I decided on dark green, another row of the seafoam color, teal, and "orchid" which is the pinkish purplish one.)  That should add a few inches on each side.  I started the blanket on Superbowl Sunday last year, so I am trying to finish it by Superbowl Sunday this year.  Once the blanket is all done, I can work on the second throw pillow for my couch.  So hopefully this will be my last "in-progress" post about this project, and the next one will show my finished Wool-Eater Blanket!

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